Alex Ladd
Hi, my name is Alex Ladd, and today I would like to share some stories about Matt that show some of his greatest qualities.
First off, Matt loved everyone, his girlfriend being close to the top of the list of his loved ones. I remember the night Matt and Sarah officially started dating. Matt and I were being picked up by my dad and matt was so excited they were officially dating when we got outside he actually threw his phone into the yard and we had to get flashlights and search for it, all the while matt was smiling like crazy. Then we finally found his phone and got into the car and Matt just says with a huge grin “I have a girlfriend!” The rest of the car ride consisted of Matt saying more things about Sarah and my dad and I laughing. He loved not only his girlfriend, but all of his friends and family with all his heart.

Another thing I loved about Matt, was he was always funny even when he wasn’t trying to be. One time, at a Toby Keith concert, we were walking into the concert when we decided to go to the bathroom before we went in. The line for the port-o-potties was massive and I go to the back of the line thinking, “This is going to take forever”. But then I look up and watch in disbelief as Matt cuts the whole line and walks into the first open port-o-potty and walks out a minute later, and nobody says a word. He walked up to me at the back of the line and said, “Did you already to go, want to go in?” And all I could do is laugh and say, “Only you could get away with that.” He always made me and everyone else laugh.
I feel like one of the luckiest people alive, for having Matt in my life for so long. I got to see these qualities and countless others almost everyday. The bottom line is Matt made me smile every time I was with him. Matt was the best friend I could have asked for. I love you Matt, Rest in Peace.